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Dr. Giuditta Parolini

  • Recent Publications

    • Parolini G (2023) Setting Sustainability Goals for Biodiversity Informatics Infrastructure. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 7: e110675
    • Parolini G, von Mering S, Petersen M (2023) Classifying Colonial Objects in Museum Collections with Machine Learning and Historical Knowledge. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 7: e110872
    • Parolini G, Glöckler F (2023) Automating DOI registration with DataCite API. E-Science-Tage 2023 Conference Proceedings.
    • Parolini G, Glöckler F (2023) Entwicklung effizienter und nachhaltiger Datenmanagementdienste. b.i.t- online 26(3).
  • Projects

    Promoting sustainable data practices and infrastructures in biodiversity science (2024-2027)

    The project will carry out a thorough analysis of environmental, social, and economic sustainability for data practices and infrastructures in the biodiversity community. The analysis is praxis-oriented and wants to provide guidelines for sustainable data life cycles, identify appropriate data technologies, and develop sustainability benchmarks and key performance indicators.

    The project is sponsored by the German Research Foundation (DFG) [Grant Number 528674292].

  • Curriculum Vitae

    DATA SCIENTIST, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin - Leibniz Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity Science (2022 - Present).

    POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCHER, Technische Universität Berlin (2013 - 2020).

  • Tasks

    Data scientist.

    More information available on the personal website and in the ORCID profile.