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New wild bee rally app through the capital

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Pollinator Pathmaker and Museum für Naturkunde Berlin
Press release,

Berlin is setting an example for the protection of pollinators and taking another step towards becoming a wild bee capital: a digital treasure hunt, which was developed as part of the joint project " Mehr Bienen für Berlin – Berlin blüht auf!", makes it possible to experience the fascinating world of insects in the centre of the capital in a fun way. The rally can be found on the interactive quiz app "Actionbound". Both the app and participation in the family-friendly wild bee rally are free of charge and can be accessed by anyone at any time. The initiators of the project are the Berlin Senatsverwaltung für Mobilität, Verkehr, Klimaschutz und Umwelt und die Deutsche Wildtier Stiftung. The Museum für Naturkunde Berlin is also involved.

"As part of the project Vielfalt Verstehen, the MfN is going out into the city and networking with local stakeholders," says project team member Dr Kim Mortega. "I am convinced that cooperation is essential in order to preserve our biodiversity. Because shared knowledge creates great added value for us all. The wild bee rally impressively demonstrates how urbanity and nature conservation can go hand in hand. It offers a valuable opportunity to discover and appreciate the important pollinators of our city." 

The rally starts on the forecourt of the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, where many pollinator insects, including wild bees, can enjoy "Pollinator Pathmaker" flowers. From there, the route leads past sights such as the Invalidenpark, Cemetery II of the French Community with the Fontane grave and a segment of the Berlin Wall. Using an app, various puzzles and tasks familiarise participants with the way wild bees live, their preferences and their importance for the urban ecosystem. The important role of inconspicuous urban structures such as pavement joints also becomes clear during the two-hour nature walk.

The " Mehr Bienen für Berlin – Berlin blüht auf! project aims to promote wild bee habitats in Berlin and raise awareness for the protection of wild bees and other pollinating insects. A total of 93 flowering areas have been created in Berlin's twelve districts since 2018. The biologists from the Deutschen Wildtier Stiftung have recorded 170 wild bee species here, eleven of which are listed as endangered on the Deutsche Rote Liste of Bees. In total, around 330 wild bee species have been recorded in Berlin to date.
