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Petrified Times. Energizing Past Futures - A lab discussion in four acts

Die Künstlerin in der Sammlung des Museums

On 2 September at 5 pm, the closing event for the unique artistic intervention by the project group ‘Petrified Times. Energising Past Futures’ will take place.

The artistic interventions in the museum's Mineral Hall will conclude with a round table that deals with energy issues and their temporal dimensions. On the one hand, the artistic works of the two artists Susanne Kriemann and Ulrike Mohr and their specific works in the museum's collections will take centre stage. On the other hand, the event will share interdisciplinary perspectives from the network and experts from science, politics, administration and art in order to reflect together on the different aesthetic, historical, social and political layers of meaning surrounding the themes of coal/industrial revolution and uraninite/atomic age. In particular, questions of temporality and planetary material cycles will be discussed.

We cordially invite you to take part in this open laboratory discussion and become part of an exciting dialogue between art and science. Places are limited, so registration is necessary. You can register for the round table at  

More information

The artistic works by Susanne Kriemann ‘Pechblende prologue (Klapproth Cycle), 2024’ and Ulrike Mohr ‘Archiving a matter of time, 2024’ are part of the project ‘Petrified Times: Energising Past Futures’. The project was initiated and conceived by Dr Friederike Schäfer (Freie Universität Berlin), Dr Elisabeth Heyne (Museum für Naturkunde Berlin) and Dr Maike Weißpflug (Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management). The project group is part of the Netzwerk Naturwissen, an initiative of the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin and its partners from Berlin and Brandenburg.