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Live lecture: Underwater noise – disruptive factor for penguins?


Underwater noise is omnipresent in the world's oceans today. Even in the sensitive ecosystems of the polar regions, man-made sound has long arrived, for example due to increasing shipping or surveys of the sea floor. In the Hearing in Penguins project, we are researching together with the Deutsches Meeresmuseum Stralsund, the Syddansk Universitet in Denmark and the MSC Seal Research Center Hohe-Düne in Rostock on behalf of the Federal Environment Agency what effects underwater noise has on penguins.

The cooperation partners are jointly researching how sensitively penguins react to natural and man-made sound events. Michael Dähne from Deutsches Meeresmuseum Stralsund, where hearing experiments are carried out, for instance, speaks about his research in a live lecture.


Event information

  • with Michael Dähne, Curator of Marine Mammals,Deutsches Meeresmuseum Stralsund
  • The event takes place via Zoom video conference zoom and will be recorded. Your video image and audio will be automatically switched off or muted when you join but you can always ask questions via chat.
  • Link:
  • Event in German


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