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Wissenschaft im Sauriersaal: Robotics and AI


As part of the event series "Wissenschaft im Sauriersaal", the Faculty of Life Sciences at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin invite you to let yourself be carried away into the fascinating world of science in the ambience of the Sauriersaal. The series offers lectures by renowned speakers from the entire field of natural and life sciences.

Robotics and AI are no longer science fiction, but have long been reality. At the same time, there is still so much to do! Can we teach robots to learn? How can AI understand people and help them in everyday life? Why don't I still have a robot at home to clean everything up? And the most important question of all, why haven't the machines enslaved us yet?

Event information

  • Topic: Will artificial intelligence make machines smarter than people?
  • Speaker: Prof. Dr. Sami Haddadin, Executive Director of the Munich Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence at the Technische Universität München
  • Registration via e-mail:
  • Event in German

Related Links

The lecture series is sponsored by our main sponsor Berliner Sparkasse. Following the motto #WissenSchafftDurchblick, we work together to give broad sections of society insights into scientific and economic topics.

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