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TheMuseumsLab 2024: Public Event

TheMuseumsLab 2023 - Public Event im Sauriersaal

TheMuseumsLab, a pioneering mutual learning and knowledge exchange programme for African and European museum professionals, has entered its fourth programme year. 

At the halfway point of this year's programme, we cordially invite you to the Public Event on 9 September. Programme details will be published here in the coming days.

Event Information

TheMuseumsLab 2024 is curated and realised by the following partners: Ghana Museums and Monuments Board (GMMB), Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, the newly established TheMuseumsLab Academic Committee, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), and TheMuseumsLab Alumni Network. Several Programme Museums in Berlin and Accra, as well as 25 African and European Residency Museums are partners with the programme. TheMuseumsLab is funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM) and the Federal Foreign Office (AA).