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In-service training for primary school teachers in Berlin

Kosmos und Sonnensystem

A joint training program offered by the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin and the Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family.

This training introduces the goals, methods and didactic approaches of education and outreach at the Museum für Naturkunde. In addition, participants will learn more about some of the museum's educational offerings for preschool groups and elementary school classes. This will be followed by a guided tour of the exhibitions.

Interested teachers from Berlin's public schools can register for the individual events under Advanced Training Berlin. Registration is required beforehand.

Information about the event

  • Eventnumber: 22.2-107712
  • Participants: Elementary school teachers from Berlin's public schools
  • Cost: free of charge, 120 min
  • Speaker: Dr. Alexandra Moormann
  • Event will be held in German.

Further information

For students, teachers, educators and colleagues, the museum offers further training courses on various topics.