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Monday Thriller: Ticks and their secret killers


In order to be able to talk digitally about various topics related to parasites, the spread of pathogens, global health and our relationship with nature, we will start with our event series on the 20th of April. We will address current issues relating to the coronavirus and the transmission from animals to humans. At each Live Talk we will have a scientist as a guest to talk about their work and answer your questions.

Same procedure every year: tick alert in spring time! Almost everyone has had contact with these little animals but not everyone is aware of the consequences. Peter Hagedorn, scientist at the Robert Koch Institute, has a very special relationship with these fascinating creatures and will share his passion with us. Have you ever heard of a monster tick? And did you know that ticks can also follow us? But maybe you just want to know how many liters of blood a tick can drink? Join our Live Talk and ask all those questions about ticks that have always been on your mind.


Information about the event



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