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Meet the Artist: Daniela Friebel – "Revier"

Revier ©Daniela Friebel

Talk with photo artist Daniela Friebel

For the Nightingale research case project, citizen scientists have recorded nightingale songs with the Naturblick app, which scientists and citizens will analyze with regard to dialects and habitat preferences. In conversation with you, the scientists of the Nightingale research case will put Daniela Friebel's artistic research into context with biological research.

Daniela Friebel, recipient of the 2018 Haus am Kleistpark 2018 photography work grant, has been exploring territories of nightingales in Berlin. Beginning November 11th, she will be presenting her work in a multi-layered photographic installation in the Experimental Field of the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin. With this project, Daniela Friebel not only casts a poetic glance onto our city, but makes the tension between nature and urban space visible. At the same time, she reflects the term “revier” (territory) in a subtle way.

Venue: Experimental Field (at the Insect Models)

Free admission.