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Festival of Lights


During the 16th Festival of Lights from September 11 to 20, the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin will be the venue for the second time for an enchanting video installation, which can be seen from 8 pm to midnight.

At the center of the one-minute projection is the colorful diversity of species on earth. This year, many different animals populate the façade of the museum in their natural habitat. They refer to the impressive biodiversity wall in the exhibition, in which the current diversity of life forms is shown using the example of around 3,000 animal objects. Representatives of the approximately one million animal and plant species discovered by researchers to date grow and bloom, creep and crawl across the museum façade and give colorful macaws a stage for their flight show.


Event information

  • 11. - 20. September 2020
  • daily 8 p.m. until midnight

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