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Future Plan: Interview with Dr. Susanne Hecker, Project Lead "Knowledge Transfer"

Susanne Hecker

Please introduce yourself including your position at the museum.

My name is Susanne Hecker. I have a doctorate in communication science and have worked for many years in an interdisciplinary environment in the field of biodiversity research. Since 1 January 2021, I have been head of the Society and Nature science programme at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin.

What is your role in shaping the Future Plan?

In the museum's Future Plan project, I lead the Knowledge Transfer project with its sub-projects "Science Campus" and "Public Areas".

What opportunities do you see in the implementation of the Future Plan for the museum and for society?

The Future Plan offers unique opportunities to enter into dialogue and exchange with society and policy in the area of knowledge transfer. The Future Plan makes it possible for us to open up the museum even further – we invite the public, policy and business to make use of the Museum's treasures and infrastructures, our knowledge and know-how and our research. The Future Plan is not a dream for the future, but a process that will continue to develop until 2030.

Please describe your vision for the museum in the year 2030.

My vision for the area of knowledge transfer: In 2030, the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin will be the most popular reference point for knowledge transfer in Germany with international appeal. And not only with an outstanding new permanent exhibition, analogue and digital offerings, but also through projects and infrastructures for collaboration with the public. People seek out the museum to be inspired, to meet, to discuss current topics. Researchers from Berlin, all over Germany and internationally seek out the expertise and competence offered by the Science Campus, the Berlin School of Public Engagement and the museum. We succeed because all colleagues at the Museum have worked hard over many years to implement the Future Plan. It is everyone's success!

The interview was conducted by Dr. Gesine Steiner, press officer.
Date: 3 February 2021

Here you can find further interviews that were conducted as part of the Future Plan.